Attention, attention! On the air - HERE!

Such films as “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, “Journey to the Edge of the Universe”, “A Space Odyssey”, “The Mystery of the Third Planet”, “A Beautiful Mind” and even the well-known “Star Wars” grow dim in comparison with a grandiose event of the Richelieu Lyceum! We expect the visiting of the prominent physicist, the researcher of evolution of the Universe, the cosmologist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the owner of the State Award in the field of Science and Equipment (the highest award for Ukrainian scientists). It’s all about Alexander Ivanovich Zhuk.

We invite all lyceum students to visit lecture of Alexander Zhuk on Thursday, February 11 at 14.35 p.m. The territory of curiosity and the most extraordinary questions of Universal Scale is the room 16.

Olga Dobrynina