Road test
Just a few days and summer will come into own. The lessons will finish, but lyceum life won’t freeze. It just moves to other places. For example, it is the rocky shores of the Southern Bug, where will pass Ecological Expedition of Richelieu Lyceum. The kids have to go through more than a dozen kilometers with a backpack. Expedition organizers hold annual test campaign. First of all, road test is organized for preparing those who are participated the first time in EERL. Organizers teach beginners to travel long distances, well backpacking, quickly expand and collapse the tent camp. By the way, EERL veterans are happy to participate in such test campaign.
60 EERL 2016 participants gathered at the railway station on a sunny morning of May 21 (48 of them – beginners of seven and eight graders). They piled into two cars commuter train Odessa - Belgrod-Dniester with noisy, merry crowd under the surprised looks of the railway workers.
And here is the movie about a hike, shot by Pavel Andreyevich: