Lecture-hall continue its work

How do you make paper spiral circle over the candle flame in a bizarre dance? What properties will get the balloon, if we rub well a head of a curious first-graders by this? How can a preschooler solve mathematical puzzles for second-graders?

Young attendants of Lyceum lecture know answers to all these questions. We are glad to inform you that Saturday lectures for pupils of 1th – 5th grades resumed their work after the winter holidays and the New Year celebrations. For example, on January 16, we solved complicated logical puzzles and carried out interesting physical experiments exploring the impact of fire on various subjects.

Caution quarantine!

Attention, dear sudents of Richelieu Lyceum! In course of introduction the quarantine, functioning of all Saturday circles has been suspended for 2 weeks. Please, note that Saturday’s preparatory lecture will continue its regular work-ing schedule.

Take care of your health - the most valuable and irreplaceable resource! You must be careful; thoroughly follow the health and safety rules, avoid chilling, drink warm ginger tea with honey, eat more citrus, collect interesting fiction books and accumulateas strength as well as physical and mental activities for new scientific discoveries and adventures. Be healthy!

Preview of SBPRL 2016

"Prepare sledge in the summer, and the cart in the winter!" Following this wise saying, we offer you, dear lyceum students, now to pay attention to educational and exciting summer entertainment. Specifically, we recommend the participation in the traditional Summer Lyceum Practice. There are picturesque landscapes, trekking, songs around the campfire, and the source of positive emotions, impressions and new practical knowledge. All this is a great lyric without which no physicist can ever work and live! So, the route of SBPRL 2016 will be presented at 12 a.m., Sunday, January 17, in the Assembly Hall of Richelieu Lyceum. We invite not only lyceum students to join the meeting, but also graduates who will be able to try themselves as mentors.

The Regional Physics Olympiad 2016

A renowned physicist Ernest Rutherford, Nobel laureate, once remarked: “Sciences are divided into two groups - the physics and stamp collecting”. The physics always becomes the greatest love and the meaning of all life for those who began to learn this interesting science. For the young Odessian physicists, even the New Year holidays, ice and cold winter weather could not become a barrier on the exciting way of learning the mysterious and amazing queen of sciences - Her Majesty Physics. Last weekend the Regional Physics Olympiad was precisely organized among these pupils. The Physics Department of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University hospitably welcomed gifted youth.

Bicycle - the wings of lyceum students

As soon as the day become a bit longer after the winter solstice, the thoughts of lyceum students and their senior colleagues, teachers, have already streamed to the future towards the spring and summer. There is so much interesting ahead! Exciting trips on bikes for which our lyceum has always been famous are among all these varieties of upcoming events. It includes the scale bike ride along the streets of native city, participation in rattaralli "100 kilometers over Poyas Slavyy in 10 hours ", weekend hikes, and a difficult multiday bike expedition into various places of Ukraine. All this will be in the future. It is so nice to remember old adventures of lyceum cyclists while it is ether snowing, or raining, or sleeting.